What’s the difference between indoor and outdoor pickleballs?

What’s the difference between indoor and outdoor pickleballs?

Your pickleball game doesn’t have to decline when the temperature does. Thanks to indoor facilities, you can play your favorite sport in all seasons. And while your pickleball paddle is suited for all conditions, pickleballs aren’t. 

There are a few differences between indoor and outdoor pickleballs that will affect your game. The more aware you are of the differences, the more you can use them to your advantage. 

The main difference between indoor and outdoor pickleballs?


Outdoor pickleballs weigh more than indoor pickleballs. 

The heavier weight of an outdoor pickleball helps it travel through the wind better than an indoor ball will. It also allows you to hit an outdoor ball harder. Unfortunately, that also means bodyshots are more painful. 

While an outdoor pickleball traditionally has 40 holes, an indoor pickleball has 26. The larger holes and softer plastic means an indoor pickleball has more drag when you hit it. Your hits will be slower than when you play with an outdoor ball. 

The lightness of an indoor ball also reduces the bounce of the ball. The slower hits and reduced bounces make indoor balls more suitable for beginning players.

The softer plastic of indoor pickleballs also makes them less prone to cracking than outdoor pickleballs. However, they can still get too soft after playing with them for too long. At that point, the ball will feel “dead,” like it’s not popping off your paddle or bouncing off the ground as it should. 

Your game deserves the right gear for all seasons. 

Our Optic indoor and outdoor pickleballs are available in four different colors — so you can add personality to your game without sacrificing quality.